Is the CounselEAR, LLC web site secure? CounselEAR, LLC takes the security of information very seriously. CounselEAR, LLC has established standards and procedures to prevent unauthorized access to customer information. CounselEAR, LLC uses physical, electronic and procedural safeguards (including data encryption and secure socket layer technology) that meet or exceed industry standards. In addition, the CounselEAR, LLC technology is regularly tested and updated to maintain and improve the protection of customer and patient information. CounselEAR's data encryption matches the encryption level of your browser, up to 256 bit. Please contact your browser's manufacturer for information on how to upgrade your browser's encryption level. CounselEAR, LLC restricts any access to personal customer and patient information to employees that have legitimate business purposes to assist or provide services to you. CounselEAR, LLC does not sell customer contact or account information. For more details, please refer to our Privacy Policy.
Last Updated: 3/1/2022 |